Physiotherapists are passionate about people - not journals
Avoid journal catch-up
Never fall behind on writing journals and free up your afternoon or evening.
Live up to the laws for journals and make sure you are 100% compliant with Vocaire.
Prevent stress & burnout
Create more overview and short breaks to relax between patients and create surplus in everyday life.
Press record
Speak undisturbed with your patient
Let Vociare write your journal
Check & Save
Vocaire in 1 minute
Physio at Fit & Sund
It actually often catches things I would otherwise have missed. It ensures that I have better records while I enjoy talking to my patients.
Physio at FysioDanmark
I use Vocaire all the time. It enables me to be more present with the customers. We have almost eliminated the administrative work we have to perform.
Vocaire saves me 5-6 minutes per consultation. This means I can instruct my patients in exercises or even take a break.
Use the computer you already use
Works on all devices
Vocare can be used with Chromebook, PC, Mac, as well as Android and iPhone.
Integrated microphone or external
Use the microphone that is already in your computer. For better sound, an external microphone can also be used.
Vocaire runs in your internet browser
Approved for Chrome, Safari, and Edge.
You can set Vociare up in 21 minutes
Full Clinic
Sales module
Automatic Patient Consent
Several clinics
Clinic performance
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Here we have gathered a few more answers that we often receive from therapists.
Can I keep my journal system?
Yes, you can definitely continue using EasyMe, Complementa, SystemOne, or similar software. Vocaire integrates with all. Our goal is to make your life easier.
Does Vociare work in other languages?
Vocaire is specially tuned to English and French. It also understands Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch and German. You can speak in these languages, but the journal is always in your main language.
Can Vocaire also do acupuncture journals?
Vocaire also supports acupuncture and other specialties. Ask during your personal onboarding to ensure that you are set up best possible with Vocaire.
Can I use a custom journal structure?
Paying customers can order special journals for use. Journals are tested on many thousands of examples before they are activated.
No, Vocaire understands the content of your consultation whether you're talking about the weather or a knee. Vocaire then filters and shows only the relevant data in your journal.
Does Vocaire work for other professions?
Vocaire specializes in physiotherapy, but we have a flow of interest from other professional groups. Sign up on the waiting list, we are gradually opening up to more groups of practitioners. You can also become a beta tester.
Let's ask my clinic owner to order Vocaire !
Are you employed at a clinic and want to try Vocaire. Try our demo today and book a chat. Then we will see if your clinic can get Vocaire.